Posts Tagged comicbook
We are still looking back at why Capt’n Heroic is by himself in an alley talking to a rat. This page is the introduction to Lue… The bad guy and his companion Bubsie.
Let’s go back a few days and see what happened. Why is Capt’n Heroic in an alley way, all alone, talking to a rat?
This is the ‘SideKick’. He hates that name. He refuses to go by it, but he still responds to it. The name he picked is the “Silent Knight” but his new crime fighting partner, Capt’n Heroic, thinks that his name[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Bit About the Creator Hey! I’m Jonathan Greer, the funny looking guy in the picture above. I am the creator of Adventures with Captain Heroic. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to create my own comic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Adventures with Capt’n Heroic- Chapter 1: In the Beginning- Intro
Adventures with Capt’n Heroic- Chapter 1: In the Beginning INTRO When earth was near destruction, God stepped in to create a hero as mankind’s last hope. Well, through a series of unfavorable events, things got screwed up and the wrong[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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